Finding Solutions to Complexity
Our Passion, Your Success

We believe the complexity of today's information systems should become manageable again.

Whether developing software, designing hardware, or assessing cybersecurity:

We help you build systems that are rich in functionality, scalable, and easy to manage.

Software Engineering

Software systems have become some of the most intricate machines humanity has ever devised.

While we benefit from the massive functionality of these software beasts, they are challenging to manage, extend, and secure.

We envision software that is sophisticated yet simple, intuitive, and efficient.

Meticulous planning and precise engineering are essential to keep your project on track and ensure its success.

As your trusted partner in software engineering, we are committed to guiding you through any transformative journey, regardless of the technology stack you utilize.

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Cyber Security

Unveiling your digital products to the world can be a daunting task.

Cybercriminals are trying to breach your system and steal your customers' sensitive data, causing financial losses, damage to your reputation, and legal repercussions.

Securing and testing your application before launch significantly reduces this risk.

Regular tests provide an additional layer of protection, safeguarding your application from evolving threats and vulnerabilities introduced in new or updated features.

Our experts will work closely with your development team to foster a culture of security awareness and conduct comprehensive penetration tests on your digital assets, ensuring your application is fortified and secure.

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Hardware Design

Rapid prototyping has transformed hardware innovation, allowing engineers to quickly test their ideas and improve product quality by finding errors early and often.

However, finding PCB design flaws can still cause delays, potentially rendering your products obsolete before they reach the market.

We balance speed and precision to ensure giant leaps with each prototype iteration.

With technology advancing rapidly, your PCB design must meet today's needs and anticipate tomorrow's challenges.

Combining attention to detail with a forward-thinking approach, we help you future-proof your analog and digital PCB design for rapidly evolving technologies.

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The (Tiny but Mighty) Team:
Noah Berner

Noah possesses a unique fusion of expertise in software engineering, cyber security, and hardware design.

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Quantum Engineering from ETH Zurich, he has successfully navigated numerous interdisciplinary engineering projects throughout his professional and student career.

With an innate ability to rapidly absorb new technologies and legacy systems, Noah excels in challenging environments where innovative solutions are paramount.

His client-centric approach ensures tailored solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible while maintaining a keen focus on practical feasibility.

A professional photo of Noah Berner wearing a suit and smiling into the camera.